Innovative Telecom and IT Services

Yomacama is a company with a strong relationship with many telecom providers.
the company was founded in 2004 by Emanuel Dabah who worked as Engineering and Operation Director in GVT and after was a precident of TDN Networks in RS.
the company invoices during the last 18 years around 100M dollars.
a strong relationship with the Government especially in the south of Brazil (RS, PR, and SC)
Yomacama also is a provider and integrator company of innovative solutions for Telecommunications and IT markets, specializing in project management, maintenance, integration, and professional technical support services.
We also provide consulting services for bids and help companies sell equipment in Brasil located in Canoas/RS and Curitiba/PR cities in Brazil.
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Whatever you need for your successful business in Brazil
Produtos e Serviços / Products and Services
Cyber Security Services
Data Capacity Optimization
GPS Tracking Systems
Consulting Services
Project Management
Professional Support Services
Logistic Services
Global Proxy Services
Software Development
Electronic Lab Services
Serviços de Segurança Cibernética
Otimização de Capacidade de Dados
Sistemas de Rastreamento GPS
Serviços de Consultoria
Gerenciamento de Projetos
Serviços de Suporte Profissional
Serviços de Logística
Serviços de Proxy Global
Desenvolvimento de Software
Serviços de Laboratório de Eletrônica